• Tue. Jul 2nd, 2024

Health Pluse

Stay Healthy and Fit with Health Pluse

What Is Mental Health?

ByDr. Hazel

Oct 26, 2022

Mental Health – what is it?

What is Mental health? It is our ability to respond to the challenges that life throws at us. We can have all sorts of mental struggles about money, work, relationships, family, health or just life in general. Good mental health is our ability to function, to bounce back from these struggles and to be able to move forward.

Being able to deal with the worries of everyday life helps us build resilience, which is another way of saying good mental health.

Resilience can help us when our problems seem overwhelming. Without it, our mental health could spiral out of control, changing the way we feel, think and behave. It could mean being worried or afraid all of the time, feeling numb or like nothing matters, or losing touch with what is real.

When this happens, it can take some time to get back on track. At these times, it’s important to reach out for help, whether it’s through friends, family or mental health professionals. Finding the right support can help us get back to feeling ourselves.

Sometimes, though, professional advice is needed. But where do you find that?

Health Pluse can be a guide to help you find the right information, support and advice from trusted service providers. We’re here to help.

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