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Health Pluse

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8 Top Benefits of Lemon Peels

ByDr. Hazel

Oct 25, 2022

Benefits of Lemon peels

Lemon has multiple health benefits. It’s used for hair, skin, and inner wholesomeness. Top benefits of lemon peels helps us lose weight and builds the immunity of the body. But are you alive that lemon peels are equally salutary? not only do they contain calcium, potassium and vitamins C, but they can also be made use of in numerous ways.

1) For tan junking this point is enough considerably known. Lemon peel is an excellent tan dumping. It also brightens and smoothens our skin.

2) As vitamin C supplement small pieces of lemon peel and can dried in the sun and also ground to make cream. This can be added in smoothies, etc and be a good source of your demand of vitamin C. Being rich in vitamin C and citric acid, lemon peels help in slush problems like scurvy and bleeding bonds.

3) For strong bones lemon peel is known to maintain bone strength. It helps fight cancer and also helps with tumours.

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4) To lower cholesterol Lemon peel has polyphenol flavonoids which helps lower cholesterol situations.

5) To feel good it acts as strong anti depressant.

6) To fight cancer, Lemon peel has nutrients like limonene and salve strollers Q-40 which are both known to fight cancerous cells.

7) For BP control the cholesterol position of a body can be dropped by consuming lemon peel. The potassium present in it also helps maintain the position of blood pressure.

8) Cure for flu eating lemon peels helps in curing sore throat, flu, cold, etc. This is because it contains vitamin C in ample quantities.

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