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Health Pluse

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7 Amazing Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

ByDr. Hazel

Nov 11, 2022
Health benefits of pumpkin seedsHealth benefits of pumpkin seeds

There are many health benefits of Pumpkin Seeds. With an aim to stay fit & eat clean, ditch the habit of unhealthy & mindless snacking. Pumpkin seeds are an excellent alternative.
It comes with a wide variety of nutrients like zinc, protein, magnesium & copper, the small seeds can make your snacking a healthy affair.

Here are 7 reasons why you should eat pumpkin seeds daily:

1) Good for bones:

Packed with magnesium essential for bone formation. Magnesium intake increases bone density & decreases the risk of osteoporosis.

2) Reduces blood sugar level:

These seeds help control blood sugar levels.

3) Good for heart health:

A rich source of antioxidants, magnesium, zinc & fatty acids that are excellent for heart health. They reduce bad cholesterol & increase the good.

4) Helps to lose weight:

High in fiber that helps maintain weight & keeps you fuller for longer. The seeds also enhance your digestive health.

5) Improves sleep quality:

A source of tryptophan that promotes sound sleep. Magnesium in pumpkin seeds also helps tackle insomnia.

Read: What is Healthy Sleep?

6) Builds immunity:

Rich in antioxidants, helps reduce inflammation & protect cells from harmful free radicals. Daily intake protects from common cold & flu.

7) Hair growth

The seeds contain cucurbitin, responsible for hair growth. Other
micronutrients help improve texture of hair & make it strong.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always contact your doctor for more details.

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